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Best Time To Visit Siem Reap, Cambodia

Siem Reap, Cambodia's most popular tourist destination is visited practically all year. Nonetheless, the city sees different weather conditions throughout the year, providing visitors with a unique opportunity to discover its numerous sights and activities. In this post, we will look at the ideal time to visit Siem Reap and provide ideas for things to do to help you plan your upcoming trip.



Seasons in Siem Reap and Best Time to Visit

The best time to visit Siem Reap is difficult to determine because it is highly influenced by personal tastes. Siem Reap attractions vary in their beauty and charm throughout the year, making each visit unique and unforgettable. So, you might think, "When should I visit Siem Reap?" This breakdown of Siem Reap seasons may help a bit:

Dry Season

The dry season in Siem Reap lasts from November to March, when the weather is warm and dry, with enough sunshine for most people to enjoy cycle rides, walking tours, and temple visits. Temperatures during this period range from 25℃ to 30℃, making it cooler and more pleasant. Many visitors believe that the stretch from early December to the end of January is the best time to travel to Siem Reap, as the town experiences hardly any rain falling throughout these months.



Just be aware that this is also the peak season for traveling in Siem Reap, so expect larger crowds everywhere and higher prices for all services.

Hot Season

April and May stand out as the hottest months of the year in Siem Reap, when the wetter climate adds a layer of sticky humidity to the already high temperature of 35℃. You should also expect little to no rain during this time. In April, Cambodians celebrate Khmer New Year, which is one of the advised activities in Siem Reap. If you can tolerate the heat, you can enjoy your stay, but brace yourself for sweltering conditions.



Rainy Season

At the start of the rainy season (June-October), it is still fairly hot, with rain falling in the late afternoon or early morning. However, throughout the months of September and October, Siem Reap experiences severe rainfall, high humidity, and sometimes floods. This is the least popular season to travel since the weather is unpredictable, and some temple sites may be inaccessible due to floods.



Regardless, the rainy season has many advantages, such as lush and green scenery, fewer crowded spots, and lower prices for accommodations. Just be prepared for showers and potential setbacks to your plans.


Best things to do in Siem Reap

Visit Angkor Wat and outlying Khmer temples

The ruins of Angkor Wat are the main reason that most travelers visit Siem Reap. The magnificent ancient structure was erected by the Khmer Empire in 1150 CE and was designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1992, being an extraordinary example of human creativity.



Angkor Wat is one of the few temples that have remained intact despite decades of neglect and destruction. Adventure seekers can participate in a discovery of impressive outlying temples, such as Beng Mealea, Banteay Srei, Kbal Spean, and Roluos Group.

Get to know the elephants of Angkor at Kulen Elephant Forest

The Bos Thom Community Forest, located on the slopes of Kulen Mountain, is a 1100-acre protected jungle area populated by former Angkor elephants. The residents here have spent the most of their lives working in tourism and are now enjoying a long-awaited and well-earned retirement. In the forest, they can finally roam freely, enjoy natural food they haven't had in years, and receive the best care.



Embark on a boat trip to the water world of Tonle Sap

Tonle Sap is the most significant lake in Cambodia and also the largest freshwater lake in Southeast Asia. This natural environment, officially recognized as a World UNESCO Biosphere Reserve in 1997, is home to a diverse range of species, including rare and endangered waterbirds. Tonle Sap communities draw millions of travelers every year, who come to see the impressive floating villages, such as Kampong Phluk and Kompong Khleang, and learn about the local people's distinctive way of getting along on the water.



Tips when visiting Siem Reap in the high season

- Traveling to Siem Reap in the high season means that accommodation rates and tour prices will go up and can be booked up soon, so book your services as much as possible in advance.

- Expect large crowds everywhere, in temples, restaurants, and other sites.

- Choose off-beaten-track excursions or visit outlying temples if you seek a quieter traveling experience.

- Check the weather forecast before your trip and prepare for unpredictable patterns during your visit.



Explore Siem Reap with Mekong River Cruises

If you're planning a Mekong River cruise trip and want to combine it with a visit to Siem Reap, let our Mekong Cruise Team be your guide on this journey. Passengers can start their adventure in Siem Reap and end it in Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City), or vice versa. The upstream or downstream 8-day cruise offers travelers a genuine and culturally rich experience, plus a local gastronomic discovery at Southern Vietnam and Cambodia. Excellent cruise options providing this voyage are Heritage Line The Jahan, Heritage Line Jayavarman Cruise, RV Mekong Pandaw Cruise, RV Mekong Princess Cruise, RV La Marguerite Cruise, and Victoria Mekong Cruise



For detailed information on these Mekong river cruises, please contact our Mekong Cruise Experts.

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